A Confused Programmer's Blog

This blog is dedicated to C# and Java programming that I happen to do for living – with accent on curious cases and with sincere intent to make the world of coding a slightly better place as a result

Archive for the ‘Visual Studio’ Category

Visual Studio will talk to you if you are willing to listen

In this post I will share with you one of the development environment practices that I use and find quite helpful. Few years ago I was browsing through windows “Sounds” tab for some irrelevant obscure reason and stumbled into option of setting Visual Studio sounds. You see, incidentally, both Visual Studio and MS Windows are Microsoft’s products  – and this fact opens a room for integration features between these products that one wouldn’t normally expect. There are 4 Visual Studio  [ Read More ]


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REST Assured and une

If you stumbled onto this article, it is safe to ...

Getting rid of Error

Since I upgraded my Windows 8 to Windows 10, I ...

Bypassing EULA step

We are working on automated testing of virtual appliance. This appliance ...

How I got rid of "Ac

OVF is a VMware virtual appliance format which allows you ...

My use-case of Perfo

In my blog I am set on a mission to ...

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